Leaving the city
I think we are
getting the hang of this big city life. Maybe Warsaw is not the biggest city in
the world – actually definitely not – but the point is, after first arriving in
the city nearly a month ago I think we started feeling and acting like locals.
For instance, yesterday I’ve honked my horn for the very first time in Poland! Taxi
drivers here are… wow. They are so bad at driving in this city, I am always
amazed by watching them trying to maneuver thru Texas-sized turns acting like
they were on the smallest Italian roads.
Back to our day. We noticed last time – before the blog has started in Kampinos
National Park – that people are trying to escape from the city on weekends, especially on Sundays – here shops are closed on Sundays so that could be a reason. So, instead of going on a hike on Sunday we went yesterday – on Saturday.
We went to Jezioro Zegrzyńskie, which is less than an hour drive from Warsaw.
It is a quite nice waterbody that looks like a lake, but it is actually a slow-ish-ly
flowing river. The place is really nice and full of boats! People are speedboating and fishing all day long! I wish we had something
similar in Hungary! We didn’t spend too much time there because it was quite
cold for some… But I see a lot of potential in that place. Unfortunately I
forgot to take pictures somewhere in the middle of our trip, but here are some z
category pictures that I did take of the place.
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