New Trip On The Horizon
Today we’ve hit a new milestone another nice round number; today’s blog is the 90th blog I’ve written! The next round number will be 100th blog! Amazing!
Knowing yesterday that today’s blog was going to be a nice round number we’ve decided to plan another trip! This time to Eastern Poland! There are two major cities we will visit and a national park. Or national parks not quite sure yet, the weather could have a huge effect on our plans.
So what exactly our plan is? Well the plan is to drive East to Bialystok spend an afternoon walking around the city doing all the touristy things than the next morning we would visit one or two national parks then we would spend two nights in Lublin and the next morning we will drive back to Warsaw. On our way we will stop at small yet fascinating villages everyone and then.
What national park are we planning to visit? The mighty Bialowieza Nation Park! It’s one of the last untouched places in Europe and it is also the home of the European Bison! I’m hoping to see them all around the place wandering freely however I’m afraid they are all locked up in the reserve. We will see!
We are also very much looking forward to our accommodation in Lublin. We intentionally booked a place that has an oven! We are going to cook the shit out of that oven! We only have an induction cooker and a microwave which is like using a sledge as a daily driver; could work at some point, but it’s far from ideal. We both have at least 5 dishes we would love to cook that requires an oven, but I guess we should just take buncha boxes with us and bring them home topped off with amazing food! — We never said it out loud but I honestly think we both favored spending two nights in Lublin, because we want one day to be a cooking day haha.
It’s gonna be a fun trip, sadly/I-don’t-know-better we are going to travel all the 750km trip by car which is sad because it means we will burn around 48 liters of diesel and produce almost 126kg CO2. That sounds quite a lot. It takes 6 years for a single typical tree to absorb that amount of CO2. 6 year is a lot! Next time when you are bored and wanna go for a ride, just think about this, and take your bicycle instead of your car.
Those the takeaway thoughts of today’s blog; next time when you drive around for no reason at all think about the amount of trees that can absorb the CO2 you produced totally unnecessarily. Thank you 🙏
That’s it for today’s blog I cannot wait to share with you our upcoming trip, I hope you all doing great!
Take care,
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